West Kennet Long Barrow | Marlborough | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

West Kennet Long Barrow

Atracción | Marlborough | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

El West Kennet Long Barrow, ubicado cerca de Avebury en Wiltshire, es uno de los túmulos neolíticos más impresionantes y mejor conservados de Gran Bretaña. Fue construido alrededor del 3650 a.C. y originalmente servía como cámara funeraria donde se enterraron los restos de casi 50 individuos.

Con una longitud de más de 100 metros, el West Kennet Long Barrow es uno de los mayores monumentos de su tipo. Su construcción con piedras de sarsen locales y piedra caliza oolítica importada de los Cotswolds evidencia las impresionantes habilidades artesanales de las comunidades de la época.

Después de un período relativamente corto de uso como lugar de entierro, el acceso a la cámara funeraria fue sellado con grandes bloques de sarsen en el Neolítico tardío. En los siglos siguientes, surgieron en el paisaje circundante otros monumentos importantes, como el círculo de piedras de Avebury, la avenida West Kennet y Silbury Hill, lo que indica la continua importancia cultural de la región.

Hoy en día, el West Kennet Long Barrow está abierto a los visitantes y ofrece una fascinante visión del pasado neolítico de Gran Bretaña. Su ubicación en una colina también permite disfrutar de amplias vistas del paisaje circundante, lo que hace que la visita sea una experiencia especial.
West Kennet Long Barrow Marlborough

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Domingo0:00 - 0:00
Lunes0:00 - 0:00
Martes0:00 - 0:00
Miércoles0:00 - 0:00
Jueves0:00 - 0:00
Viernes0:00 - 0:00
Sábado0:00 - 0:00


880 Reseñas

Chris Newman

Amazing ancient monument, surrounded by beautiful countryside full of history and interesting to explore.

Fascinating place to visit. Part of the many sites to be seen near the Avebury area.
solaris solaris

only several meters are accessible
Martin Jones

Nice place for a visit, walking distance a little restricted as barrow in on private land so generally access only. You do have Silbury hill opposite side of the road worth a wander around there too. Small parking area on roadside can hold about 6 cars, more by Silbury hill. Worth a visit, you go inside barrow, but only first 20ft, the rest of the barrow is blocked off.
Ryan Syrett

Weird and beautiful old spot of English folklore history. Worth a visit

I started in Avebury, which is also a very nice place to visit. I took the public walk to the long barrow. There is uneven ground and it does get muddy after a rain so wear good shoes. The walk there was amazing. Even met some local cows.
Tony Bradford

A short walk, to an amazing piece of history, well worth a visit
Paul Miller

When you consider the age of this structure and it superb construction one has to ask were our primatives so base more than 5 millenium back. How important this place must have been and that alone demands respect. Consider the contruction task without the aid of tools as we know them, on the top of a small hill. Man is nothing if not resourceful.
Lance Boston

An awe-inspiring experience, truly daunting in the shear size and the fact it was created so long ago
Andie Wykes

A wonderful time there. Lots of peaceful time to reflect inside the west chamber. I just love the energy there and always feel like I'm closer to my ancestors
Sue Scrivener

It's only a half mile walk from the layby parking bur it's uphill, not too steep but still uphill. Very wet and muddy so take that into account when visiting. Views from the top are spectacular. Interesting long barrow
Kimani D

Beautiful spot with wonderful views. The walk from the road was a bit muddy when we visited so would recommend wearing good boots. Can get inside the chambers at one end. Absolutely wonderful...oh and free too!

Fascinating archeological sight. Able to go inside for a short distance.
Mike Titley

Great historic site - Walk up from avesbury to silbury to get the effect of the history in the area
Denisse Koščová

Silne miesto hrobiek. Treba si to miesto navnimat
Zak H

Very nice reserved little borrow. Interesting history.
Bill Richman

It's a long and muddy slog from Avebury, but it's well worth it. (If you drive there, you can park considerably closer.) To actually touch and walk inside a human construction made so very, very long ago brings a sense of the fleeting nature of human lives like nothing else I've experienced.
Ian Griffin

Amazing 5,500 year old "long barrow" an easy 15 minute walk from the lay by on the main road near to Silbery Hill. Easy access. Bring flashlight to see into dark corners. Free access all hours. 360-degree scenic overlook from on top.
Paul Hopcraft

Set amongst peaceful fields with splendid views, this really is a beautiful place!
Hana Denney

Amazing energy portal!
Nick James

It's free. A neolithic burial mound. You can enter the chamber. My 5 year old granddaughter loved the experience.


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